Kalyani Bose has commented - Akash Bhavna: To start with, one thing should be clear. Happiness is not the same as Ananda. Happiness (sukha) depends on the interaction with outer objects whereas Ananda is purely subjective-sprouting forth by itself from the depth of the inner being. A Saiva philosopher defines Ananda as extreme relaxation-(Ananda Vishrantih). A Yogi expounds- relax all efforts, release consciousness into the infinity and feel the undisturbed sense of innate delight in each and everypart of y our being. That is Ananda. The Rishi of Upanishad named it "Bhuma" -expansiveness- and drew a close connection with Akash. "Had Akash not encompassed us as Ananda', he added, "who would have breathed, who would have even lived?" This Akash has entered every heart, built a tiny seat of lotus and from there has expanded beyond 'Dyavaprithivi' earth and heaven. We have to feel this essence of unconditional Ananda; we have to realize Akash-the Ananda Brahma. (Yoga Samanvaya page (328)

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  • Very kind of you, Mrs. Bose. Yes, I agree with you that 'Anirvan' is not a name, but a Consciousness as pervasive as the Akasa. In this connection I think, it is and is not a name at the same time, just as Anirvanji might have said it is both atistha or transcendent and pratistha or immanent, or, as Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy would have it, 'each is both'.

    I congratulate you heartily on your successful translation of Pather Sathi, Vol. 1.

    Thank you again for kindly reading my short-piece.


  • Dear Sri Sudipta,
    I had heard about you from Ramadi in Kolkata and was aware of your brilliance and depth of knowledge. Today I experienced that. To me, no matter how much I love him,Sri Anirvan is not a name, nor a form not even a great Yogi- but he is a Consciousness - as pervasive as the Akash- and that is tangible- one can feel that in day to day life if one opens up a little bit to that Akash. The excerpts are so aptly translated that I was reminded again and again of the original Bengali expressions. I liked your calling him a Sadguru in initiating us in Akash Bhavna. May the Anirvan consciousness be ever with us.
    P.S. This may not serve as a proper review. I reallly am not that knowledgeable. All I can say is that I enjoyed it very much and wish you all the success in expounding the Anirvan thoughts.
  • Note:

    The unattributed quotations in the lecture are my translation from Sri Anirvan's works. Sudipta Munsi
  • Dear Smt. Bose,

    Please find enclosed a PDF containing the text of my English translation of a lecture on "Akasa-Bhavana" that I delivered at the invitation of Prof. Rama Chowdhury, Secretary, Haimavati-Anirvan Vedavidyalaya Trust on 9th July, 2006, at the Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Regent Park, Calcutta, on the occassion of Sri Anirvan's 110th birthday.

    Please favour my input with your learned review.


    Sudipta Munsi

    Akasa Sadhana.PDF

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