After matriculation he joined the Gujarat arts college. During the 2nd year of his college days, he came across the writings of Swami Vivekananda. At first he refused to read the works of a sanyasi! But when his friend Biharibhai insisted saying that Swamiji is not a sanyasi like your jain sadhus – he is a patriot monk who has inspired the political life of India, then he agreed to read Swamiji’s works. After reading the 1st chapter in the 2nd volume he was so much charmed by the spirit of Swami Vivekananda that he read all the volumes available then. He was so much inspired by the call of Swamiji to the students, “throw your books in the ganges and for fifty years from now let Mother India, Her freedom, Her upliftment be your goal of life.”_etc. that he literally left his college from the fourth year and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the service of the mother land. This was in 1934 or 1935. At that time Gandhiji had given the call to the youth to go to the villages and work for the upliftment of the villages. Babubhai gathered a group of friends and selected some of them for village work. Shertha & Thamna were the two villages selected by him for their work. He used to visit both the places keeping his contact with the city. Vasantbhai shah, Chandra Prasad Mehta, Babubhai Patwa and Jayantibhai Mehta & two other friends formed the first batch to go to the villages.


But a year’s work in the villages showed him how difficult it was to change the villages. Moreover for higher studies he had to send the village boys to the city. So he felt that to hasten the work it is more necessary to increase the number of sevakas and that is possible mostly amongst the middle class boys of the city. So he decided to concentrate more in the work in the city. For this he established the Rashtriya Seva Sangha and started contacting promising young boys of different wards of Ahmedabad.


It was at this time that he also felt that the upliftment of the nation is a herculean task and unless the Divine force is behind the workers it is next to impossible to achieve much. A great hankering arose in him at this time for god-realization and to feel His will. He had received his mantra “Om Prabhu,Tarunja Dharyu Thava” same as “Oh God! Thy will be Done” from his father before he started his public activities and was constantly repeating it.


In the first week of November 1935, Babubhai was returning from the village to Ahmedabad with his coworkers. They were playing a game at the station while waiting for the arrival of the train. While taking a jump from tree, Babubhai fell down and both his wrists were fractured. After first aid he came to Ahmedabad, got his wrists bandaged at an orthopaedic doctor a Hadvaidya (Kakakauwa-wala). His mental condition and spiritual hankering was so intense at this time that he left Ahmedabad with such hands all alone vowing not to return till he get some definitive Adesh-order from the Divine for the national work he had undertaken.


He got down at Agra station in the same agitated condition & was walking towards a village. On the way, he came across a well. He jumped in the well to end his life not knowing that the well was almost dry but fell on a log lying in the well. He was sitting in that condition groaning in pain at the same time repeating his mantra. His groans attracted some village boys, who were grazing the village cows in the fields! One beautiful boy with a scarf on his head was the leader of the group. With the help of the boys, he was brought out of the well and then they took him to their village. The villagers nursed him and when he was a little better he tried to find out that beautiful boy who had first found him in the well. But that boy was no where to be found! Babubhai was astonished and felt     that Lord Krishna himself had come in the garb of the cowboy and saved him! Next day the villagers put him back on the train going to Ahmedabad! The day when he fell in the well was 7th November. That day Babubhai considered as the day of his full surrender to the Divine will. From that day onwards he felt that he was being guided by some inner force, the Divine seated in his heart! And he always surrendered to that Divine will.


After returning to Ahmedabad he started his activities with new vigour. He now concentrated more in his work in the city of Ahmedabad – visiting different parts of the city, schools, colleges etc. in search of young boys & girls trying to inspire them for the work of the nation as his coworkers. Soon he gathered groups of young boys from every locality who became his companions. As he had joined congress sevadal, all these boys also became members of sevadal as well as Babubhai’s own Rashtriya Seva Sangha. In every locality they started gymnasiums, libraries, yuvaka Sangha etc. Most of them also became members of the students union at that time controlled by the communists!


Before I came in contact with Babubhai, in the end of 1940, his activities had already spread in every part of Ahmedabad as well as in many places in Gujarat. He was already a welknown youth leader. He had his group in Shahpur too. Jayanti D Mehta, Kanti Shah & Shanti Shah, Balwant Shah & many other boys of Shahpur had joined his group. Jayanti, Kanti & Balwant were very close to him. All the three lived in Mangal Parekh’s Khancha by the side of Darwaja’s Khancha. They had also attended the Haripura Congress in 1937-38 as Sevadal volunteers with him. Later Babubhai also attended the Tripuri Congress as well as the Ramgarh congress where Subhash Bose established his Forward Bloc.


It was while coming to attend the Ramgarh congress in 1940 that Babubhai first came to Calcutta. At that time he stayed with Shivkumar Joshi near Paddapukur, Bhowanipur. He visited the headquarters of Bharat Sevasram Sangha in Ballygunj and perhaps had the Darshan of Swami Sri Pranabananda Maharaj - the founder of the Sangha. He also visited Belur Math & Dakshineswar Temple. During this visit he had felt that if he has to come to stay in Calcutta, he will stay in the Ballygunj area!


Before I came in personal contact with Babubhai, I had already come in contact with Jayanti, Kanti & Balwant and they too had talked to Babubhai about me! Jayanti ( Jayanta ) had passed matriculation exam in 1940 along with me and had joined the Gujarat college in the same class. So we came more close. Now in December 1940, the library of Gujarat Vidyapith was to be shifted in the new city library ( Maneklal Jethabhai Library ) near Town hall. Babubhai sent his boys to help in the work. It was then that I first joined the group and went to Vidyapith for the library work. It was there one day – I don’t remember the exact date when I first met Babubhai face to face! I was much impressed by his strong personality. He too liked me and the relation was cemented on the very first meeting! 


The next work in which the group was engaged was the municipal election in December 1940. We worked for the nominees of the congress and we had to give a strong fight to Rai Bahadur Dolatram Shah who was elected to the municipality from Shahpur during last 20 years! He was a good man and we had nothing against him personally. But fight is fight and so because he stood as an independent against our congress nominee we had to give him a good fight. In the end, for the first time in his life Rai Bahadur Dolatram tasted defeat!


I still remember the voting day. I was in charge of the booth out side Shahpur gate. Before the work was over, Jayanti came to me and said “we (i.e. he, Kanti & Balwant ) are going to attend the marriage ceremony of Babubhai, you please look after the remaining work!”I had not yet been a close member of the group, ( a member of the inner circle ) and I even did not know that Babubhai was going to marry on that very day! So I was a little annoyed for their going away a bit early leaving the work on me! Any way that is how I remember the day of Babubhai’s marriage with Viruben ( Virabala Shah ) at  Vikas Griha (Shiv Kumar Joshi’s house ?). The marriage ceremony was performed most probably by Shiv Kumar’s father, Girija Shankar Joshi – a well-known astrologer of Ahmedabad.


The next major activity in which our group worked effectively was the strike in Gujarat college in January 1941. The strike was called by the communist group in the student union to protest against the rustication (dismissal) of one of their leaders D.N.Vashi from the college. D.N.Vashi had become a permanent student of Gujarat college! He was a good organizer and dedicated worker. But his political work was more important to him than the studies! In some altercation with the principal of the college, he had insulted the principal and so the principal had rusticated him & hence the college strike.


Our stand was that the principal’s action was too strong. Vashi should be readmitted after getting an apology. But though the principal agreed to our proposal in the beginning, Vashi’s party was not ready to tender any apology, so the strike continued for some time. We also did not attend the classes but started organizing meetings to convince the students that the stand of the communist group was wrong and there is no meaning in continuing the strike when the principal is ready to readmit Vashi after a simple apology. We were called principal’s agents and what not! But in the end, the students accepted our view point and the communists were obliged to withdraw the strike! This strike gave us a good opportunity to approach the student community in general and in the next election of the students’ union our group was able to capture the union from the communists for the first time after many years. After that the communist could not recapture the students’ union of Ahmedabad.


Soon after the strike was over the annual examination for the 1st year – ‘previous’ as it was called – were held. We had not enough time for preparation. I did not expect to do well as I had wasted a lot of time during the strike – without paying any attention to study. So I was surprised when Hasmukh came to inform me that I had stood first amongst all the arts students! My standing first in spite of the strike impressed Babubhai very much and  he used to eulogise me whenever he introduced me to his other friends. I used to protest but to no avail. He continued to do so perhaps because that gave great credit to his work and his group. Ramanikbhai who was made the general secretary of the student union was also a brilliant student. Later he stood first class first in BSc & MSc and ended his educational carrier  as the principal of Swaminarayan College in Ahmedabad.


Our social and political activities were progressing very well and people including Babubhai himself used to say that soon we will spread through out Gujarat and will become a strong force in the congress politics too! Babubhai & his group was so much active in the Congress & Sevadal movement that even Mridula Sarabhai approached Babubhai and requested him to cooperate with her to capture the Gujarat congress from Morarji Desai & others – but knowing full well Mridula’s authoritative & dictatorial attitude, Babubhai did not accept her offer – later she became one of Babubhai’s most aggressive opponents because of his love affairs with young girls. At this juncture, explosive news about Babubhai’s personal life were published first by ‘PRABHAT’ a local newspaper and next day in all other news papers, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar etc.!


Though I was coming closer and closer to Babubhai, I did not know much about his personal life with girls and boys. Just like the group of boys, a group of girls also had grown up round him. Some of these girls loved Babubhai like the gopies of Brindaban! Babubhai’s personal magnetism was so intense at that time especially for boys & girls of our tender age and that this was but natural. Especially after the event of complete surrender on 7th November 1935, a current of strong love emanated from his being and he who one time had vowed to remain a Brahmacharin like Subhas Bose to dedicate his whole life for the cause of the Nation, was forced by his inner being to accept the love of all who came closer to him. The bondage and limitations of morality were cast aside and he freely mixed with boys and girls. This was naturally too much for the society to accept.


The first opposition came from Sarayu’s mother – Sarayu who later became Sudha Dharmapal – Sarayu’s elder brother Babubhai Patwa was in close touch with Babubhai since his young age. He was one of the boys who left their studies and went to the villages for village work under Babubhai’s leadership. Meetings of Seva Sangha used to be held in their house in Mahadev’s Khancha of Taliani Pole – the same street in which Babubhai’s  house was also situated. Naturally Sarayu used to see Babubhai from her childhood. She was eight years younger than her elder brother and thirteen years younger than Babubhai . When Sarayu’s mother heard the reports that her daughter is also one of the many girls who love Babubhai intensely and that they have even physical relations with him, she stopped Sarayu from visiting Babubhai. Sarayu was removed from their house to a relative’s house in Ellisbridge area and was almost locked in! As a protest against this forcible detention, she went on fast. Her elder brother, Babubhai Patwa also started fasting at the relative’s house demanding release of his sister!the news naturally attracted the reporters who approached all the parties including Babubhai (Bandhu) and gave out the news on the first page with bold headlines!


When Babubhai started his social activities under the inspiration of Gandhiji, he was wearing very simple Khadi dress – short dhoti and a banyan! So his friends had given him the nick name of Babu Mahatma – half in respect and half in humour! Now this name Babu Mahatma came handy to news papermen and headlines like Babu Mahatma’s Love Affairs! Babu Mahatma considers himself Krishna;Babu Mahatma and his Gopies – etc. began to come out day in and day out for some months!


This outburst affected the smooth activities of our different organizations. Many boys and girls left our groups – some because of their own freewill, some because of the pressure of their parents. Of course the core group remained intact!


Now the fasts of Sarayu & Babubhai Patwa had larger repercussions. One of their maternal uncles was the manager of Gandhiji’s Ashram at Wardha. On request from their mother, he sent Mahadev Desai, Gandhiji’s secretary to dissuade Sarayu & Babubhai from their fasts. Because of his intervention and clever handling of the situation Sarayu & Babubhai broke their fasts and later Sarayu was taken to the Wardha Ashram by her mother to stay with Gandhiji, thinking that a few months stay with Gandhiji and away from Babubhai (Bandhu) will cure her!


Situation in Taliani Pole became so hot that it became almost impossible for Babubhai to stay there. Though his parents did not oppose him because of their love fom him and especially his father understood the change that had come over him, but they too were passing through great tension because of the constant opposition of Babubhai’s enemies – old friends who were envying his rise in the society – meetings before their house etc. Babubhai’s elder brother Nanubhai (Himmatlal) started taking offense and asking Babubhai to leave the house so that they can live in peace!


At this time some very old friends and coworkers disassociated from Babubhai and four of them issued a statement in News Papers, saying that they do not agree with Babubhai on this particular issue. They were Ramaniklal Shah, Kantibhai Vyas who later became a close disciple of Anandamayee Maa, Vishnubhai Trivedi and Liladhara Bhatta.


So an old house was hired in Haja Patel’s Pole in Kalupur – near Kirit’s (one of our boys) house. For three days we  cleansed and washed the house to make it livable! Babubhai shifted to this house with his wife Viruben. But all this was too much even for his wife and she almost lost her mind! After a few days she decided to part from Babubhai.


Babubhai also was passing his days in great tension and inner turmoil. At last he decided to go to Calcutta, to Belurmath and to pass a few months there in deep contemplation and review of his whole life.


So he left for Calcutta with Jayantibhai on 5th july 1941. As he was not permitted to stay at the Belur Math, he hired a small house near Belur Math and stayed there for about four months. Jayantibhai used to look after all his personal needs, including cooking , washing etc. It was at this time that he came in touch of Sri Aurobindo Path Mandir and read some books of Sri Aurobindo in which he found confirmation of his Sadhana – especially about his complete self surrender. Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga & its Objects became his guidebook like Gita! And when he returned to Ahmedabad, he read Yoga and it’s Objects with us, explaining everyline in details! That was October 1941.


During this period my study in the 2nd year (I.A.) was continuing. Dr. Chubb was our professor of Logic. I had very good rapport with him. Prof. Bhandarkar, Prof. Dawar, Prof. Deshpande were some of our well-known teachers. Along with the students our social activities were also continuing. During September this year (1941) there were heavy rains in north Gujarat and sudden (fast) flash-floods in the rivers, especially in the Sabarmati river which inundated many low lying areas, destroying crops and houses of the villages. Many refugees took shelter in the grounds of Kashi Viswanath temple and we had to conduct relief activities – arranging for their stay & food for a few days till water receded. This was my first and major relief activity of this kind. We had to work sometimes even when it was raining. At the end of this relief work, I fell ill and the fever turned into typhoid. It continued for four weeks; the temperature rising to 105 degree. At that time there was not any special medicine like cloromycetin for typhoid; rest, liquid diet and some simple medicines were administered. After 4 weeks the fever subdued. But one has to be more careful regarding rest & diet afterwards. Due to some mistake about food, most probably taking of sweets prepared for Diwali, there was relapse of typhoid and I again suffered for another period of 4 weeks! This time I was shifted to the civil hospital, as I was already very weak. I must say, I was well treated in the hospital. Dr. Ratilal Fozdar under whose care I was treated, took special fancy for me, brought his students to my bed for giving lessons in such tropical diseases. On the whole, it was a pleasant time: resting and talking to other patients enquiring about their health & other problems, relatives and friends regularly visiting in the evening! After a month or so I came back home and soon after started going to college. In December there was the test examination. For nearly two months I had not attended classes and there was not much time to make up the lost studies – especially in Logic which was a new subject. I failed in Logic, passing in other subjects. But for Prof. Chubb who really loved me, I would not have been allowed to appear at the final examination. But before the final examination I had enough time to prepare and when the results of I.A. examination were published in the news papers, I found that I stood first in Inter Arts at the Ahmedabad Centre! And in Logic, I secured highest marks. Prof. Chubb later called me in the office and congratulated me heartily for saving his Sanman – reputation!


In June 1942, I enrolled myself in the third year at the Gujarat College. History & Economics were my main subjects – with honours in Economics. I also secured the first scholarship of Rs. 25/- P.M for highest marks and another scholarship of Rs. 15/- p.m. from our community. But hardly we had attended classes for about two months when my higher studies came to a sudden halt, due to the Quit India movement launched by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, in which I took full part from 9th august 1942. This was almost an end of my college studies as I could not even complete my graduation, even though I joined college again in 1944. I again left studies after one year i.e. in 1945. But this time for another cause. More about it later.


 Participation in 1942 Quit India Movement.


The Salt Satyagraha ( Dandi March ) and Non Cooperation movements of Gandhiji in the early thirties and the Chittagong Arms Robbery (Raid) in 1930, Murders of Magistrates in Midnapur, throwing of bombs on Lord Hastings and other violent movements had forced the British Govt to give more powers to the central legislature and state assemblies. A special bill was passed in the parliament in 1935 and in accordance to that bill elections were held in all the provinces of India in 1937. The Indian National Congress was elected with great majority in the eight provinces of Madras, Bombay, N.W.F.Province, United Provinces, C.P., Bihar, Orissa & Assam. But in Bengal, Punjab & Sindh provinces congress could not get the necessary majority because of the muslim populations there. The muslim league too could not secure clear majority. So coalition govts were formed there by congress with the help of other muslim groups. For the first time the congress came in power and there was a great feeling in the general people that soon the congress will get more powers and will be able to rule the whole of India as a Dominion State!


But in Sept 1939 the second world war broke out in Europe with England & France on one side and Germany & Italy on the other. A little later in 1940 Russia joined hands with Germany to gain advantages in eastern Europe. Japan joined the war in 1941 attacking American ships in Pearl Harbour in Phillipines and so the U.S.A also actively joined the war!


Now the British govt without consulting the Congress govt in the states declared that India also joins the war on their side! This action was strongly opposed by the Congress and all the Congress govts. resigned allowing the British governors to control the states with the help of Muslim League and other antinational forces! The congress said that they can help in the war efforts only if complete independence is granted at the end of the war. But the British govt was in no mood  to pay any heed to all this.


Meanwhile Subhash Chandra Bose had escaped from his internment (he was kept in his house for sometime because of his illness!) and went over to Gerrmany via Afghanistan & Russia and formed an Indian National Army in Germany. Later in 1943 he crossed the seas in a submarine and went to Tokyo, took charge of the Indian National Army on the Eastern front from Rash Behari Bose and in October 1943 formed the Indian National Govt in exile. But that is another story.


 Here in India when the Congress saw that they were outwitted – they asked Gandhiji to start a movement to force the govt to accede to their demands. At first Gandhiji did not want to embarrass the British govt in their war efforts, but later he agreed to launch Individual Nonviolent Satyagraha, with Vinoba Bhave as their first nonviolent satyagrahi. This individual satyagraha had almost no impact on the British govt, though there was much stir in the public mind. Then Gandhiji and the Congress decided to launch a greater mass movement. After deep consultations at Wardha, an AICC meeting was called in Bombay on 7th & 8th August ’42. The famous ‘QUIT INDIA’ resolution was passed by the    AICC on 8th august. But in the early morning of 9th August all the big leaders including Gandhiji, Nehru, Sardar Patel and others were arrested and the famous ’42 Quit India Movement with Gandhiji’s great slogan of “Do or Die” started!


Babubhai and other friends had gone to attend the AICC meeting at Bombay. But others like me, who were in Ahmedabad , when we got the news of the arrests of the leaders in the morning of 9th august decided to hold  protest meeting at the Local Board ground in the evening. Processions from all the wards poured in at the Local Board ground by the evening. I Kanti and Balwant led the procession from the Shahpur Congress office. When we started the meeting all of a sudden the ground was surrounded by a big police force and without warning they started shooting tear gas shells. First we thought they are shooting bullets! So the crowd began to run away to save their lives! It was impossible to stop the crowd. So we also left the ground. Later because of the effects on eyes we understood that they had fired only the tear gas shells! That was perhaps the first use of tear gas in Ahmedabad & for us also the first experience of the same! Later we could stand the attack of tear gas shells by using salt water!


Next day Babubhai and other friends of our group returned and we all sat together to discuss about the new   movement. Even before the AICC meeting discussions were going on regarding the coming movement. Babubhai had the feeling that this is going to be the last movement for Independence and though sometime before we had left active politics, devoting  more of our time in spiritual thought and Sadhana under the inspiration of new-found Sri Aurobindo’s Ideals, we had decided that we will take active part in this last movement and it was also decided that this movement will be fought on all possible levels, non-violent as well as violent. News were coming from abroad about the activities of Subhash Ch. Bose ( He had not yet become Netaji ) and his groups in India were working with revolutionary groups and trying to build up a violent movement along with Gandhiji’s Non-Violent Movement. As they were immediately arrested after the AICC meeting, Gandhiji & other congress leaders could not do much to organize or keep the movement nonviolent. And from the beginning, the ’42 movement took a violent form. The socialist group of the congress under the leadership of Jayaprakash Narayan, Achyuta Patwardhan, Ram Manohar Lohia, Aruna Asaf Ali and others had also decided to take the path of violence! Babubhai had contacted all these leaders in Bombay and we too decided to join them! We organiseed a bomb factory, and also organized groups to cut telegraph wires, remove railway lines at several points and to create a situation of total chaos apart from the general strikes in schools, colleges, textile mills etc.I and Kanti went to Dharmaj – where Vijoy Patel had his house and from their started our two fold activities!


But Babubhai could not remain free for long. He was already followed by the detective police and on 24th august while going to meet a group in Shahpur he was arrested. Next morning the police came to his Ramnagar house in Maninagar and arrested Jayantibhai Mehta, Jayanti Thakore, Biharibhai Shah & some others who were there. It may be mentioned here that afer returning from Calcutta in October 1941, Babubhai was not staying at his own house in Taliani Pole because of the opposition of his elder brother Nanubhai. A house was rented at Rambagh, Maninagar and Babubhai, Jayanti Mehta & Jayanti Thakore stayed there. We used to visit the place in the evening. There was a well in the house and as soon as Jayantibhai got the news that Babubhai was arrested, he managed to throw all the incriminate articles in the well! So when the police came next morning they found practically nothing to implicate us in the violent movement!


 Messages were sent to us and other groups about Babubhai’s arrest. And so we returned to Ahmadabad and started working with the socialist group. Dr. Jayantilal Thakore was made the ShaharSuba – the head of the movement in Ahmedabad. After his arrest our friend Shiv Kumar Joshi was made Sahar Suba!


Another mishap happened in our Bomb factory. Because of some carelessness of a worker, there was a great explosion in the factory, the roof was blown off and Mr. Chawdhury, a Bengali Chemist working with us was severely injured and could not escape. He was arrested and sent to the hospital.


One by one my friends in Shahpur Ward Kanti, Balwant, Jayanti Mehta all were arrested. Krishnalal Shah & Vinubhai Shah, our leaders of the Shahpur Congress were also arrested. Only I  and Vasudev Tripathi who later became a minister in the Gujarat govt tried to keep the tempo of the movement in Shahpur alive. I stopped staying at home, occasionally going to visit the family. Twice police came to get me. One day I would have been surely arrested. I was talking to my mother in our house. We were staying at the Sankdi Sheri in Darwaja’s street during 1942-43. A boy informer came running to inform me that the police was coming to arrest me! Now our house was attached to another house in the nearby Ravadasni Pole. So I just got up to their terrace from our terrace and escaped!


Later, I , Shiv Kumar Joshi & others had to escape in the same way from a house in Mandvini Pole where we were holding a meeting and the notorious Police inspector Mankad with his force came to arrest the whole lot! Mankad had got the information from Babubhai Patwa’s Diary! Babubhai Patwa’s relative was Babubhai Fozder, a police officer and because of him he was not arrested so far. Now Mankad had called Babubhai Patwa to see him in his office! Patwa went to see him with his diary in his pocket! Mankad saw it, wanted to see it and got all information he needed! Patwa too was arrested on the spot. His relative could not protect him this time! But for our escape, we too would have been arrested that day!


The movement in Ahmedabad was in full fury for the first three months. All schools, colleges, textile mills etc remained closed. But such mass movements can not last long. Slowly one by one textile mills started working. Schools, colleges too opened and it became difficult to stop students attending their studies! Some momentum again was gained when Gandhiji started his fast in the jail. Groups of volunteers were sent to the Aga Khan Palace in Ahmednagar where Gandhiji and other big congress leaders were kept to seek the release of Gandhiji. Shyamu went as a volunteer in one of such groups and was jailed for about six months. At that time I had a desire to go to jail, but I was not allowed to go to Ahmednagar by the organizing committee! During Gandhiji’s fast we arranged prayer meetings in different places everyday in the evening and generally I and Vasudev spoke at these meetings after prayers. I delivered strong worded speeches in order to instigate the police to arrest me! But as the meetings were purely nonviolent the police remained as silent spectators. Moreover they were no more arresting workers so long as the crowd remained peaceful. On the contrary the Govt. had already started releasing prisoners, especially those who were not implicated directly in violent activities. From our group apart from Babubhai all others were released. So after all, I had no experience of jail life!


When the movement slowed down, students began to go to schools & colleges. At first we tried to obstruct their joining school & colleges, but slowly the numbers attending the school- colleges increased so much that it became impossible to stop them. Not only that, the boys who had actively participated in the movement with us wanted to resume their education and approached us with their requests. So a meeting was held to decide on the situation. Most of us said now that the movement is almost come to an end, we should allow the students to resume their Studies. But I contended that so long as our leaders are in jail, the movement should be considered as continuing. And though we may not use force to stop students joing to schools & colleges, we should continue the strike. But I was in minority, so even the student leaders who were working for the movement began to go to colleges. But I did not resume my studies till june 1944. Babubhai the main leader of our group was released in may 1944. I could have joined college from june 1943 as others did. In that case our principal had agreed to continue my scholarship. But as I did not resume my studies from june 1943, I was obliged to earn for my personal expenses as well as for fees etc in future, because I was sure that my father will not pay for my fees etc. as he was against my joining the movement from the very beginning. Not only that, in the thick of the movement, he had issued a notice in the newspaper that he had no connections with me after my joining the movement and he was not responsible for any of my actions!


On hind sight I feel my decision of not resuming studies from June 1943 was not correct. Because if I could take a job in a textile mill, I could as well have joined college! But higher degree was not in my Stars and so my Stars forced me take a wrong decision. The decision was purely mine and neither Babubhai nor anybody else had persuaded me to take such a decision. Of course those who were in jail were pleased at my consideration!


So before I resumed my studies in june 1944, I had some experience of service also. The first job I got was that of a typist to the secretary of a textile mill. I did not know anything about typing! I took some lessons in a type-writers’ class and joined the service. On the first day, the secretary saw that I was not good at typing, but seeing my English he retained me in his office engaging another typist in place! But that service did not last long. After a couple of months, I got another job at Gujarat Spinning & Weaving Mill near Kalupur. As the place was very near to Shahpur, I accepted this job. But at first I was engaged as a worker at the ration shop of the mill to weigh rations to the workers! The vacancy was for that job! I accepted the job as the place was nearer and the total salary was higher! I had hardly worked for a week in that job when I was given the work of the assistant to the rationing officer. The man in charge of the ration shop was a relative of the managing director of the mill and had very little knowledge of English! He was even afraid to go to the rationing department and face the officers there! Finding that I knew better English, he took me up for that job of his and I was relieved of the workers’ job! Of course even during the short period I sat before the weighing machine, I did not have to do much physical labour! One of the labourers who came to take rations will sit by my side and do the weighing! I would simply check the whole process!


So during all the remaining period, I did the work of the assistant to the manager of the ration shop and got much free time! Twice a week I had to go to the ration office where I could finish the work in a short time because of an officer who loved me very much! There is a story behind his love for me!


Once he had made a mistake in calculating our quota and given about a hundred monds of rice extra to our shop! I found out his mistake and told him to check the same in the next supply! Any other ration shop would have just taken the advantage of the mistake and sold the extra rice in the black market! The officer was very much impressed by our honesty and straight-forwardness and he finished my work immediately whenever I went to the rationing office! I had not to go back to the mill after the rationing office work was over so I got some extra time – twice a week which I utilized in going to Taliani Pole for giving free tuitions to Sarayu and Indu. Both belonged to our group and had to be prepared for their matriculation exams!


During this period and even after till I was in Ahmedabad, I helped my father in his evening classes. Father had opened a Basic English Night-School at GheeKanta since 1939 or so. Father had also opened another basic english night school in Bombay and he remained at Bombay mostly. So during 1944-45, I and another teacher mostly managed his school in Ahmedabad.


In the morning I used to have one or two tuitions as well. So I was heavily engaged during these two years - going to different places on cycle! I must be doing almost 25 to 30 miles of cycling everyday and by 10 P.M I was dead tired!


Babubhai came out of jail in April 1944. He came back from the jail with new ideas about Dharma Sangha and starting new mission for the cause of Dharma & Dharma alone. Of course he had been writing long letters from the jail about the new ideas that he was receiving, his spiritual experiences and his vision of future work. One of his major realization during this period was the dissolution of the solid world around him in shining and trembling atomic dust – what is called Renu in the Veda ( The Mother of Pondicherry also had similar experience in Paris ).


He realized that All is Brahman - All is God and the world is His Divine Lila which is concealed from our vision because of His Divine Maya. When by His Grace the veil of Divine Maya is removed from our vision, we can experience His Divine Lila, how He plays through all of us and through the world according to His Will! It is only by Devotion, Bhakti that we can receive His Grace and the first step on the way to Bhakti is Prabhu Sharanam – total Surrender to the Divine Will. Through Prabhu Sharanam – to Prabhu Bhakti and through Prabhu Bhakti to Prabhu Prapti, attainment of the Divine. Thus- prabhu sharanam,prabhu bhakti, prabhu prapti – became his motto.


The inspiration to change the names of the first pioneers of this Dharma according to his vision – that they will be called Dharmapal and Calcutta will be the first centre from which the activities of Dharma Sangha will begin – all these he received during his jail period, especially during the later part when all other brothers of our group had been released and he was all alone!


The first batch of Dharmapals who will go with him to Calcutta was also fixed up by him! Three Jayantis (i.e. Jayantibhai Mehta of Taliani Pole, Jayantilal Thakore of Khadia and Jayanti D Mehta) and Kanti of Shahpur!


But after his coming out of jail the situation changed. Jayanti D Mehta and Kanti dropped out for personal reasons. They did not even became Dharmapals; though they later worked with us for sometime for Dharmapal Brothers, a business concern launched in 1947 – but about that later. So their place was filled up by Shyamu & myself? When Babubhai was in jail and writing letters about the future Dharmapals, I had already written to him about my willingness to join him as a Dharmapal. So also Shyamu (Shyam Sundar Mehta ) and his elder brother Nandu ( Nandkishore Mehta ). At first Babubhai had preffered Nandu as his companion to Calcutta, but later, on the request of their mother Nandu was allowed to stay at Ahmedabad and Shyamu took his place for Calcutta!


Dharma Sangha was officially established on 10th October 1945, with ten of us taking the Dharmapal name as under -


1) Babubhai Shah – (B.- 10.10.1913) took the name of Bandhu Dharmapal


2) Babubhai Patwa – (B.- 29.6.1918)  ………………….Yogesh Dharmapal


3) Vasantbhai Shah – (B.- 28.10.1917)……………… Pradip Dharmapal


4) Jayantilal Mehta – (B.- 7.10.1920)…………………Deepak Dharmapal


5) Jayantilal Thakore – (B.- 16.10.1920)…………… Satish< Sudhir Dharmapal


( first Satish name was given – later changed to Sudhir )


6) Nandkishore Mehta – (B.- 29.5.1923) ……………Kishore Dharmapal


7) Shyam Sunder Mehta – (B.- 26.5.1924)………… Sharad Dharmapal


8) Navanit Shah        - (B.- ……….1923)……………Atul Dharmapal


9) Balawant Shah – (B.- 28.9.1922)…………………Subandhu Dharmapal


10) Vishnu Prasad Shah – (B.- 14.4.1924)………… Gautam Dharmapal


( myself and Sharad(Shyamu) were the youngest of the group -)


When Babubhai came out of jail he found that some of his boys were deeply in love with some girls of the group. Jayantibhai Mehta was in love with Kali (Patli – the thin one!), Kanti Shah was in love with Kali ( Jadi – the fat one!), Jayanti D. Mehta of Shahpur was in love with Vidya ben; Nand Kishore was in love with Pramila! Babubhai saw that they were so much infatuated in their love that it was becoming impossible to concentrate on Dharma or any such higher ideals! So he ordered them to abstain from meeting their girl-friends for some time to develop selfcontrol! Jayanti refused to obey! Kanti and others at first agreed to follow Babubhai’s instructions but they were so miserable that Babubhai had to be lenient about their relations! This would not have happened had Babubhai too had stopped his love relations  with Sarayu and others! But Babubhai did not consider it necessary for him. His example of remaining aloof would have helped the boys in their self control. But on one side the boys saw their leader freely indulging in love- and to them it seemed, he was doing it like a hungry man being away from those who loved him for quite a long time! And so their self-control could not gather strength and they were miserable! Jayanti D. Mehta and Vidyaben also had disobeyed Babubhai on the same ground!


Anyway in the end what happened was that quite a few marriages took place in our group during this time even before Dharma Sangha was established. Navanit who was not in love with any particular girl, also married  in 1945. There was some social opposition during the marriage of Kanti with Kali. She had to be eloped! But later her parents did not create much trouble. Jayant D. Mehta married to Vidyaben and Jayantibhai N. Mehta to Kali, Nandu to Pramila and so on. Balwant was already married to Padma of our group in 1941 and Vasantbhai too was married to Nanduben quite early during the period of his village work. In 1943 or 1944 when Babubhai was in jail Chandraprasad, elder brother of Jayantibhai married a Patel girl of the village (Thamna?) where he was working as a social worker.


The Patel community there had taken great offence at this act of Chandraprasad. They considered their marriage by running away as an insult to their community and they were after Chandraprasad and Hiraben for some time! For a few months poor Chandraprasad and Hiraben had to run from one place to another to escape the Patel community’s wrath. After sometime, of course they calmed down and Chandraprasad and Hiraben could stay in Ahmedabad peacefully!


Such trouble had arisen also during the marriage of Babu Mehta ( Jayantibhai’s younger brother ) and Indu though they belonged to the same Vaisya community, only their sub castes were different! But this was more because the marriage took place against the will of Indu’s parents and because Indu was already betrothed to the boy of their own sub-caste! But their opposition too did not last long!


Kirit another boy of our group married to Manjula whose family also opposed the marriage in the beginning because they belonged to different communities! But later reconciled themselves to   the marriage. Jayantilal Thakore also was married to Urvasi at a very young age but he so much disliked the marriage that he did not call Urvashiben to stay with him till 1945!


In this way one after another all the friends of our group got married by the end of 1945 except myself and Shyamu!


When Babubhai came out from jail naturally he came to stay in his own house at Taliani Pole and regular meetings of the group were held there. The girls also went there freely as most of them were married. Again the problem arose regarding Sarayu! Babubhai could not marry Sarayu socially because his marriage with Viruben was solemnized both according to Hindu Custom and Civil Law. Viruben had insisted on civil marriage to forestall Babubhai’s marriage to any other girl. At the time of their marriage and even before that she knew very well about Babubhai’s love for Sarayu and Jyoti especially. Though it pained her very much, once she even lost her balance of mind, she tolerated their relation. But at the time of marriage she insisted on civil marriage as she felt this will at least restrict Babubhai from marrying anybody else ( at that time there was no Hindu Code bill and Hindus could marry more than one woman ) and may be he might even change slowly after their marriage! But as already told – there was no change in Babubhai about this matter and after july 1941 Viruben had left Babubhai and she never returned to Babubhai as wife even though Babubhai approached her several times!


Regarding this civil marriage Babubhai’s father who knew astrology had warned Babubhai not to accept it as he had found that, according to his birth-chart , there were more than one marriage! But Babubhai did not heed to his warning as Viruben was bent upon having their marriage registered!


Anyway, now Sarayu’s coming to meet Babubhai at their Taliani Pole house again angered his elder brother who asked him straight away either to stop these meetings or leave the house. He was prepared to pay off Babubhai’s share of the house in cash immediately. To avoid quarrels, Babubhai accepted his offer and decided to leave his house, his birth place!


At first for a month or so Babubhai went to Jorawarnagar near Vadhawan where Kanti had rented a small house for the treatment of his wife Kali ( who was suffering from plueracy ) under the care of a vaidya and later hired a flat in Pushpa Kunj Society – Maninagar.


At this time, on 4th may 1945 I also left my house and went to Jorawarnagar (near Vadhawan) to stay with Babubhai and other friends. The house was turned almost into an ashram with Babubhai as our leader and teacher!


(3.10.91. this narrative was stopped because of the sudden death of Devi Chowdhury – mother of Gauri and Ramadi – on 17th September at 9/2, Fern Road. She was staying with us continuously since last 13 months – from 17th august 1990 - )


Babubhai and others returned to Ahmedabad after a month or so – but I continued to live at Jorawarnagar for another month or so till Kali’s treatment was over.


After returning to Ahmedabad, I stayed mostly with my friend Bhagu and his wife Bhanumati. They had rented a house in Usmanpura.


Now in july ’45 an incident occurred which resulted in my religious tour of South India with Shyamu.


Vasantbhai was working as a clerk in the Mill Owners’ Association. He managed to sale a few bales of Mill Cloth by taking a bribe of Rs 1000/- or so. When Babubhai came to know about it, he rebuked Vasantbhai severely and asked him to return the money to his office. But that would expose Vasantbhai and he will lose his job! So a compromise was made! Vasantbhai should not use that money for personal needs but donate it for a good cause.


Then came the  idea of sending me and Shyamu to visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, Sri Raman Ashram at Tiruvannamalai and Swami Ramdas’s ashram at Anandanagar, Kanhangad along with main ashrams of Sri Ramkrishna Mission in the south. It was a study tour cum pilgrimage.


So letters were written to different ashrams for permission for our stay there. Swami Anantanandaji of the Ramakrishna Mission, Ahmedabad, with whom we had already close connection gave us an introduction letter for the different centres of the R.K.Mission and before formal permissions were received we – I and Shyamu left for our religious tour on 5th August 1945.


I should put here a short note about Swami Anantanandaji,of the R.K.Ashram at Maninagar, Ahmedabad.


Most probably in Feb or March 1945 the Ramkrishna Ashram at Maninagar was formally opened. Swami Ranganathanandji came from Karachi to inaugurate the temple and the ashram. Swami Anantananda had been already sent by the Belur Math to take charge of the temple and the ashram. The mission had also taken over the management of a high school (Model school). The main organizers of the Ashram knew Babubhai very intimately and had requested him to organize the function with the help of his boys! So we worked as volunteers during the foundation day ceremony and since then we had continued to keep close relations with the Swamiji and the Ashram. I and Shyamu used to stay overninght on weekends at the Ashram. After coming from Jorawarnagar I used to stay at the Ashram for longer periods so much so that my parents had the impression that I have joined the R.K.Mission!


I vividly remember one evening at the Ashram when my father had come there to take me back! After the evening prayers he talked to Swamiji about me. Swamiji knew all about us, so he plainly said that he could not force me to go back to home – but if I am willing he can surely ask me to go back. That night father had to go home without me – and I saw tears in his eyes for the first time!


Swami Anantanandaji was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda but he served Swami Thriyananda personally and he used to talk to us about these times and about the Swamiji’s very intimately. Swamiji was full of love and kindness. He was like a mother and looked after us affectionately whenever we stayed at the Ashram. But he was a strict disciplinarian and uncompromising where principles were involved and so he could not carry on amicably much longer with the secretaries of the Ashram who were like businessmen! And so after a few years he left Ahmedabad. I have heard that after sometime, he passed away at the Bangalore Ashram of R.K.Mission.

                                                  The South India Tour                                                 ( 5th August to 12th October 1945 )  


Fortunately the details of this religious tour are preserved through the letters I and Shyamu wrote to Babubhai from different places. I therefore only jot down here a short itinerary.


From Ahmedabad first we went directly to Madras via Bombay. At Madras we stayed at the R.K.Ashram – Mylapore and had the holy company of Swami Kailasananda. From Madras we went to Pondicherry. Ambubhai Purani rebuked us at first for going to the Ashram without receiving permission! But our friend Sri Sundaram intervened on our behalf and we got the permission! We had the good fortune of having the Darshan of Sri Aurobindo on 15th august 1945.


From Pondicherry we went to Chidambaram and after seeing the famous Nataraj temple went to Tiruvannamalai Sri Raman Ashram. We were at the ashram for five days and we sat in the hall as much as possible. We felt the holy influence of the great maharshi.


From Tiruvannamalai we went to Trichinapally and Srirangapattanam. From there to Madurai and then to Rameswaram and Kanyakumari. From Kanyakumari to Trivandram. At Trichinapally we stayed in the R.K.Ashram on the river Kaveri where Swami Chidbhavananda was in charge and at Trivendrum also we stayed at the city Ashram as well as at a hill ashram nearby. Swami Tapasyananda was in charge of the Trivendrum ashram at the time. As I was writing this Swami Tapasyananda died at Madras where he was head of the R.K.Ashram Mylapore Madras since 1971 – I had met him once again at Madras Ashram in 1976 dec-26. The news of his passing away appeared in the Statesman of 4.10.91! He was 86.


From Trivendrum via Cochin and Backwaters, we went to Kanahangad at the Ashram of Swami Ramdas. We had a happy stay of more than 10 days at the Anandasram in the holy company of Swami Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai and we found it difficult to leave the place!


From Kanhanged via Calicut and Mercara in Kurg forests we went to Mysore and then to Bangalore. At both these places we stayed at the R.K.Ashram.


As we had to reach Ahmedabad before 10th October we hastened to Bombay – cutting short our tour, but were held up at Bombay because of disruption in rail line between Bombay and Ahmedabad because of floods in Narmada. At last we reached Ahmedabad on 12th October.


Establishment of Dharma Sangha


10th October 1945 – was selected as the day when Dharma Sangha was to be formally established and the first ten Dharmapals were to take the vow. But as fate would have it I and Shyamu could not reach Ahmedabad in time as we were held up at Bombay due to the damage at the bridge on Narmada due to heavy flood. So only eight Dharmapals took their vows on that day.


Babubhai with Sarayu, Jayantibhai and Kali and Jayantilal Thakore (later Sudhir) were staying at the Pushpakunj Society flat and others used to come there from their own houses. I and Shyamu took our vows a few days after our return to Ahmedabad. I give below the full list of all the ten Dharmapals along with their original names.


It is interesting to note that though I and Shyamu did not take our vows on 10th October, we were the persons who kept their Dharmapal names for the longest period. Babubhai i.e Bandhu passed away in 1955, so it can be said that he was a Dharmapal till his death. The rest, seven Dharmapals reverted to their original family names at different times before 1955. Shyamu dropped the Dharmapal title much later – from 1981-82 but kept the new name Sharad!


Old name                                             New name                                   When left


Babubhai Ghelabhai Shah.             Bandhu Dharmapal                   Died in 1955

Jayantilal Narandas Mehta.            Deepak  Dharmapal                   Left in 1951.

Jayantilal Thakore.                        Satish-Sudhir   Dharmapal          Left in 1949                               

Babubhai Chunilal Patwa.                 Yogesh   Dharmapal               Left in        1948.

Vasantlal Ghelabhai Shah.             Pradip    Dharmapal                        “             “

Nandkishore L. Mehta.                   Kishore  Dharmapal                       “             “    

Navanit J. Shah.                             Atul  Dharmapal                            “             “              

Balwant R. Shah.                                Subandhu Dharmapal               “              “                  

Vishnuprasad B.Shah.                    Gautam  Dharmapal                          

10.  Shyam Sunder L. Mehta.                 Sharad  Dharmapal                                    Left in 1981-82.


Sarayu and Kali did not take vows as Dharmapals but they automatically took the title as wives of Babubhai (Bandhu) and Jayantibhai (Deepak) respectively. Their names were changed. Sarayu got the name of Sudha and Kali got the name of Mamata. The vow of the Dharmapal was as under:-


“I solemnly vow that I will dedicate my whole life in the service of Society, Dharma and God through Dharma Sangha”.


Later when Gauri joined as Uma Dharmapal we added the name of Rabindranath Tagore as the poet of the New Age. Thus the Trinity i.e. Trimurty became a Chaturvyuha –    Kanti Shah and Jayanti D. Mehta who were very close to Babubhai did not become Dharmapals because of their difference of opinion. They had married to Kali (another friend with the same name) and Vidyaben (the two sisters) respectively. Later both of them joined Dharmapal Brothers but again left after the failure of Dharmapal Brothers. Jayanti joined the legal profession and Kanti rejoined Gujarat Samachar as Chief Reporter.


It was decided that the missionary work of Dharma Sangha will be started from Calcutta in Bengal – it being the Spiritual capital of the world, being the birth place of our three main inspiring prophets Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Sri Ramakrishna we considered as the First Man of the New Age, Swami Vivekanda as the Messanger of the New Age and Sri Aurobindo as the Philosopher of the New Age.


So on 16th October 1945 – the Vijaya Dasami day Bandhu Dharmapal left for Calcutta as the first missionary of Dharma Sangha. As Mamata was pregnant then, he could not take Jayantibhai with him. He reached Calcutta on 19th October via Delhi. From 19th October to 23rd October he stayed at the Ideal Home, in Mirzapur St.


But immediately after his departure Mamta had to be sent to a nursing home (of Dr. Pandya ) for premature delivery at 7 months. A wire was sent to Bandhu as Mamta was in precarious condition. So Bandhu had to return to Ahmedabad. He left Calcutta on the 23rd October and reached Ahmedabad on 25th October night. So he lived in Calcutta only for five days!


Mamata gave birth to a son – named Kiran – but she continued to remain in bad health. She had also lost control over her mind and it would take some-time before she recovered completely. So it was decided that Satish (Sudhir), Gautam and Sharad should go to Calcutta to begin the work of Dharma Sangha. Accordingly a special ceremony of acceptance of the first three Dharmapals for the work was held on 10th November 1945 and the same evening or next day morning we three left for Calcutta via Agra and Delhi. We stayed at Agra and Delhi for a couple of days visiting places and eventually reached Calcutta on 18th November 1945.


We were coming to Calcutta for the first time and we personally knew only Pratapbhai Yagnik of Abhinav Bharati and Biharilal Shah , a jeweler at Vrajlal & Co – Beadon Street. We had their addresses but they were not in a position to give us accommodation. So we took a hackney carriage from the Howrah Station and moved on to Harrison Road enquiring for some place at the local Dharmasalas. At last we got accommodation in a Gujarati Dharamsala at 7 or 9 Amartalla – Armenian Street in Burrabazar! We got a ground floor room dark and moisturous! Without any furniture – no cots – no table no chairs! But we were prepared for all types of difficulties and at the time in our new zeal it was heaven for us!


But even that place was to be vacated in 3 days! So we shifted to a Gurudwara on the Harrison Road (now Mahatma Gandhi Road).


There we had to stay in the hall room on the 1st floor keeping our luggage in the lockers below!


After a few days stay in the Gurudwara we shifted to a first floor room of a friend on the opposite side of the Gurudwara – at the corner of the road going to Satyanarayan Park. We stayed there till 14th December when we got the top floor northern side rooms at the Tibrewala Dharamsala on Chittaranjan Avenue by the side of Mahajati Sadan on the recommendation of Mathurbhai Zaveri – uncle of Biharibhai and the chief salesman of Vrajlal & Co. Bandhu and Jayantibhai with Sudha and Mamata and her two months old son Kiron reached Calcutta on 15th December. They had left Ahmedabad on 6th December and came to Calcutta like us via Agra and Delhi! It was really inhuman to bring such a tiny premature child in such severe cold via Delhi. But in our adventurous spirit at that time nothing mattered!


Our life was properly organized after Bandhu’s arrival and we tasted the comforts of homelife after nearly a month!


We passed the first month in meeting people, visiting different religious organizations and places. Sudhir was very reticent during this period and he passed most of the time at our residence. While at the Gurudwara he used to sit outside on the footpath rock, spending hours in simply counting cars etc.! Though he had come to Calcutta on Bandhu’s behest, he was in no mood of the work. Generally I and Sharad used to go to different places to talk about our work, why we have to come to Calcutta etc! I had to do most of the talking! We often met Pratapbhai, Biharibhai and other known friends.


We were short of money. First we met Gagan Vihari Mehta who was secretary of the Chember of Commerce then – ( later he became the ambassador of India to USA ). On his suggestion we met Sri Mohanlal Shah, Managing director of Mohini Mills Ltd. He gave us a letter on a Gujarati Lodge ( Sagar Vilas ?) in Amartalla where we could have our meals twice a day for one month free of charge! I do not know who bore the expenses finally Mohanlal Shah or the Gujarati Association.


When Bandhu came, he took charge of the work and we helped him as assistants. The first important work was to search for a house where we can stay, for the Tibrewala Dharamsala flat was given to us only for one month. So Sudhir, Sharad and myself began searching for a good house at a reasonable rent from Talla in the north to Tollygunj in the south. After some time Sudhir got the information about the golf road house in Tollygunj. Bandhu also liked the house. The landlord Mr. Sengupta also liked Bandhu very much. His daughter Manju was also attracted by Bandhu’s personality and provoked upon her father to rent us the house. So the house was rented at Rs. 150/- per month and we shifted to the house on 17th January 1946 (Sraswati Puja day?).


We lived in this house till 5th February 1949. I.e. for three years. We shifted to 12B, Jatin Das Road on 6th February. P29, Golf Road ( Tollygunj ) house had four rooms in the ground floor with kitchen and bathroom in the southern corner – one room was very small. It was used as office room with one big table and six chairs purchased from a old furniture house.


Sudha slept in store room with Kiron till he was alive. Later Bandhu Sudha and Mamata and Jayantibhai slept in Bandhu’s room. Most of the time especially during summer I, Jayantibhai Sudhir and Sharad slept on the varandha – otherwise in the common room.


In the empty plots outside our house – the first big Dharam Sabha was held on 10th October 1946 as the 1st anniversary of DharamSangha. Swami Sharvananda, vice president of R.K.Math and Mission presided.


On 1st April 1946 – Swami Pavitranand and Swami Shanta Swarupananda of R.K.Math & Mission came to golfclub road. Swami Shanta Swarupananda unfurled the flag of Dharam Sangha.


We began the work of DharmaSangha in right earnest after settling in the Golf Club Road house. We used to visit round about localities making friends with local young men. Selected friends were brought to Bandhu for further discussions. Bandhu held Sunday morning meetings which later took the form of Dharma Sabha where outside speakers were also invited. Slowly the circle grew. Shibubhai, Kanailal Mukherjee, Shital, Patal, Gitikantha, Viswanath Guha, Kshanesh Adhikari ( Ghosal ), Mohontosh Chatterjee, Subodh Das, Siddhartha Raichowdhury and many others started coming regularly.


But our work was disturbed because of the riots that started in Calcutta from 16th august 1946 – the Direct Action Day of the Muslim League. We started on the one side organizing security squads for protecting the Hindus and on the other side organized peace committee to bring about amicable relations between the Hindus and Muslims of Tollygunj area. We also participated in the larger security relief and peace organizations all over Calcutta. It was in this connection that we came in closer connection with Dr. Shyamaprasad Mukherjee, Ashutosh Lahiri, Surendra Mohan Ghosh, Sarat Bose, Lila and Anil Roy – and other national leaders.


By October the situation was normal in Calcutta and so we celebrated the 1st anniversary of Dharma Sangha on 10th October 1946 at golf club road. As a part of the celebration, we organized a big All Religion Conference – Sarva Dharma Sabha inviting speakers from all religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam etc. At first the Police will not allow us to get together people of all religion on one platform in such an atmosphere. But at last they agreed seeing our good intensions and intensity of faith. We assured the police of total peace and safety of people and fortunately nothing untoward happened.


The news of the Noakhali riots and killings appeared in the newspapers next day and the situation in Calcutta again became stormy!


Swami Sharvananda – then vice president of Sri R.K. Math and Mission presided. He came with many R.K.Mission Sanyansins. Bhikshu Jinratna and Sri Valisinha of the Mahabodhi Society attended the meeting with other Bhikshus. A Christian priest ( I forget the name ) from the Church at the crossing of Eliot road and Circular road represented Christianity. Two Maulwis and a Sikh priest from R.B.Avenue Gurudwara also took part.


A big pandal was built in the empty ground before our house. The platform was nicely decorated. Siddheswar Mukherjee sang the opening songs. Bandhu gave an introductory speech. About a thousand people attended. On the whole it was a successful All Religions’Conference. Unfortunately that was the only meeting held in such a big scale on behalf of the Dharma Sangha. Another meeting was held in the Ashutosh College Hall to celebrate Vivekananda Jayanti on 12th January 1947. Major General A.C.Chatterjee of I.N.A presiding – but it was on a smaller scale.


Apart from these two public meetings – we only organized Dharma Sabhas at our different residences. Soon we were engaged in economic and social crisis and had to give greater attention to self preservation!


During this period we also had to undertake a secret activity – to manufacture bombs and supplying them to different Hindu self-defence organizations – as the Hindus did not get proper protection from the then Muslim League Government under Suhrawardy. Funds for our bomb factory in Liluwa was supplied by Radhakishenji Nivetia and our Sudhir and Badal (Himanshu) Dasgupta were the main organizers of the factory. Partha and Siddhartha Roychowdhury helped us in procuring shells for the bombs! Partha even manufactured shells in his own factory of cycle bells! Their father did not know anything about this though he regularly sat in the office supervising the factory! It was at this time that Badal came in our contact and later that contact grew. But about it later.


By August ’46 we started experiencing financial difficulties. Friends at Ahmedabad had promised to send at least Rs 1000/- per month for at least one year by which time Bandhu expected to get established at Calcutta. But after a few months their remittance  became irregular and almost stopped totally by August. At first we tried to raise funds. I, Sharad and Sudha especially went to different places for collection. It was at this time that we came in personal contact with Vasantlal Murarka, Prabhudayal Himmatsinka, Ramalal Kanodia and other Marwari friends. We did not get much response from Gujratis because of Bandhu’s ill fame at Ahmedabad during 1941 which many of them knew! Any way on the whole collection of funds was not successful and Bandhu had to pay several visits to Ahmedabad for funds.


At last when the crisis grew, the idea of doing something for our maintenance began to take shape. When we believe in full life and we are not sanyansins, why Dharmapals should not earn their own livelihood? Business came handy for such an endeavour and after consultations with friends at Ahmedabad it was decided to launch Dharmapal Brothers, a business concern run by Dharmapals.


Before we started business, financial crisis had reached such a stage that to pay off the debts, Bandhu thought of even committing decoity like the terrorist groups in the freedom struggle! When Bandhu went to Ahmedabad in December ’46 with the idea of business, he told us that if he is not successful to raise capital for business immediately, he will send a telegram “start library” ( library being codeword for dacoity!) and we should be prepared to do such adventure! Fortunately nothing of the sort had to be done. Friends came foreward to help us in starting business. It was to their advantage too for Calcutta at that time (after the war) was a very lucrative market! And friends saw great prospects!


So Dharmapal Brothers was launched in February 1946 or so. Whatever capital came was deposited in the United Commercial Bank. The current a/c there was opened in my name at first and then changed to Dharmapal Bros. The first business we started was purchase of electric goods and sending them to Ahmedabad. Then we got selling agencies for cycle bells manufactured by Indian Union Manufacture Ltd – a concern of Raichowdhury Brothers. Siddhartha and Partha who were already our friends, of Hind Hurricane Lanterns manufactured by India Industrial Works of our patron Radhakishan Nivetia – of Tosh’s Tea from Kanailal Ghosh who had taken great fancy for Bandhu! And a few other agencies for items like conduit pipes, leather goods etc.


Babubhai Patwa gave Rs 10,000/- Navanit gave Rs 5,000/- Chandraprasad, elder brother of Jayantibhai gave another Rs 10,000/- Shivkumar Joshi contributed different sums at different times – which added up to Rs 25,000/- or more; Biharibhai Shah an old friend of Bandhu also promised to give mere money after giving a sum of Rs 10,000/-. Thus in a short time a capital of nearby a lakh of Rupees was raised!


Thus Dharmapal Brothers was started with a great fanfare! A office was opened at 3, Mangoe Lane in Dalhousie Square, with a cabin for Bandhu. Bandhu had decided to give one year fully for the work of Dharapal Brothers and he used to come to office almost every day. I worked as manager and Sudhir and Sharad looked after the sales side. Jayantibhai also helped in office.


An office was also opened at Ahmedabad at Khadia Char Rasta which was looked after mainly by Babubhai Patwa, Nandkishore, Navanit, Balwant and others. Friends who had not become Dharmapals also joined Dharmapal Bros. Jayanti D Mehta, Kanti, Kirit Soni, Nanubhai – elder brother of Kanti, Chandraprasad and others.


Some friends like Ramesh Merchant, Dahyabhai Patel and others also worked in the name of Dharmapal Brothers at Bombay.


It was decided that those who worked  at Ahmedabad and Bombay will draw an honorarium of Rs 150/- p.m and at Calcutta we will draw Rs 1000/- per month – more if necessary as our establishment expenses were higher.


In the beginning it looked that we will soon be able to earn good profits – but after a year we found that our drawings were larger than our income. Ordered goods were not sold and stocks grew at Ahmedabad especially of cycle parts and Hind hurricanes.


Then an event happened which broke the backbone of Dharmapal Brothers. As railway booking was difficult, Ahmedabad office ordered a full wagon of Tosh’s Tea. But when the wagon was booked from Calcutta, Ahmedabad boys cancelled the order, sent a telegram, not to send the wagon! The telegram came in the evening – which I went to deliver to Kanaibabu next day morning. Kanaibabu was furious. The wagon had already left Calcutta one day before!


So we telegrammed Ahmedabad office to arrange for the release of goods from the railway. But they could not do anything. Kanailal Ghosh requested Bandhu to go to Ahmedabad personally and settle the matter. But Bandhu by that time had decided to leave business – as his one year was over and he was passing through a spiritual turmoil! At last Kanaibabu sent their own man to release the wagon and dispose off the goods! I, Sudhir and Jayantibhai also went to Ahmedabad to help him in the matter. That was in may 1948. We stayed at Ahmedabad for about a month and with the help of Biharibhai – Bandhuji’s old friend – we were able to dispose off the goods. But because of this we lost the agency of A.Tosh & Co.!


There was a rebellion amongst Ahmedabad boys against Bandhu. Most of them dropped out of Dharmapal Brothers and those who had taken the Dharmapal names dropped that also. Not only that they tried to implicate Bandhu in a criminal case of cheating them!


Fortunately at that time I cleverly collected the account books and other papers from the Ahmadabad office and because of that they could not put forward concrete proofs! Nansha ( Nanubhai ) who was my friend and protector during ’42 movement  helped me in this. Because of him the other friends could not touch me!


Nandu, Kirit, Patwa and Balwant were most inimical at that time. Jayanti D Mehta being a lawyer helped them to frame us in a case. Kanti though with them was not so inimical. He had got back his job at Gujarat Samachar and was not in much financial difficulty. Moreover he had much personal attachment to Bandhu and so later in 1949 he helped Bandhu to escape from arrest which the gang of four had planned!


Babubhai Patwa, Chandraprasad, Navanit and others began demanding their money – which we were not in a position to pay. So Dharmapal Bros was closed in the end of 1948!


The financial condition became very critical. We could not pay our rent or foodbills even. We used to bring cereals etc from one Bachubhai at Jagubazar. His bills began to grow! The landlord and the landlady who were so loving and kind to us so far also changed their attitude! Landlord’s younger brother  Kiron Sengupta was responsible for increasing the bitterness of our relation with the landlord. He had also worked with Dharmapal Bros as a salesman and brought in one or two bargains of imported cycle chains!


Now meanwhile during 1948 another event had happened because of which Kiran Kaka as we called him got an opportunity to vilify us.


Manju the elder daughter of the landlord was in love with one boy – Runu by name. we knew about it but did not inform her parents. Now one fine morning she eloped with her lover and there was a great uproar. Kironkaka blamed Bandhu for the elopement though we were innocent! Afterwards of course we tried to dissuade Manju and arranged for her return. But after coming home Manju lost balance of her mind for some time because of the great tension – and again the blame fell on us!


This happenings along with the financial difficulties – the landlord also was not financially sound and depended much on our rent and extra loans – helped Kironkaka to ask for our ejection! He would bring another tenant who will pay much higher rent – which was quite possible at that time! Small quarrels started which vitiated the situation and at last we decided to vacate the house.

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