Poems by Sri Rabindranath Tagore all translated from original Bengali by Dr Prithwindra Mukherjee


Bodies Meeting


Each limb craves for every limb.

Union of spirit looks for union of bodies.

Body possessed by heart with the weight of heart

Longs to faint into your body.

Eyes endlessly drawn by your eyes,

Lips want to die inside your lips.

Thirsty the soul is bitterly wailing

To contemplate you with every limb.

Heart concealed in the pool of body,

Eternally I keep on weeping on its bank.

Pouring all my limbs in the yearning heart

I shall plunge into the mystery of body.

Day and night, my mind, my body for ever

Will get absorbed in each of your limbs.


[Kadi o komal, ‘Sharp and flat’, 1886]




On looking at that body it comes to my mind

Memories of hundreds of life, it seems.

Those eyes conceal thousands of pleasure forgotten

Like songs of springtime life after life.

As if you were my self-oblivion,

For time immemorial my pleasure and pain,

A host of flower groves of a new land,

A host of moonbeams of a new sky.

You are like the suffering of days of separation,

You are the bashful nights of love,

All that laughter, those tears, those flashes

Have assumed that honeyed body this day.

Therefore, night and day, by contemplating your face

Life appears to melt into an elsewhere.


Beauty asleep : still life


The evening twilight is bound by a spell.

On the canvas the evening star has not set.

Having undone her undulating locks

She sleeps resting her head on an arm.

Who is it who has helped her to fall asleep

In the midst of a permanent vigil on earth ?

Having culled from nowhere murmurs of silence

And has poured them for ever inside her ears.

An unending waterfall behind the image

Keeps on gushing in silent songs.

For ever the silent rustling of the forest,

For ever stands the bashful presence,

As soon as she wakes up, ashamed

She will cover her breast with her robe.


[Kadi o komal, ‘Sharp and flat’, 1886]


Total Union


Night and day, I weep, O Love, for a union,

Union resembling a hungry death.

Come and bind me, pluck me away,

Strip me of modesty, of raiment, of screen.

Come and steal this juvenile body,

Bereave my eyes of sleep, of dream of sleeping.

Rob this universe vast and awake,

My life and my death, for an eternity.

At the crematorium of union amid a solitary world

Where the creation has fainted with the extinction of the sun,

Shameless unclothed in two naked hearts

Let you and me become beauty infinite.

What an audacious dream, O Lord,

Where lies this union without You ?


[Kadi o komal, ‘Sharp and flat’, 1886]


Infinity, Miniscule


Infinite day and night in an effusion of Time,

Only one glimpse in its midst,

A lovely evening, a breeze,

The drunkenness of union between soft darkness and light :

Right at its core merely a tiny jasmine,

A shade of perfume with a drop of smile

Hardly approachable its tiny lips

Keeps on blossoming out of its joy

Before it falls even out of its joy.

Entire Infinity within that glimpse

Becomes a jasmine by the side of a forest.

Infinity manifests at the heart of the moment.

With the passing of the moment falls the flower,

Infinity returns within itself.


[Kadi o komal, ‘Sharp and flat’, 1886]





Ceaselessly with all my heart

I remember You,

In the solitude beyond the world

      I accost You,

Having robbed me of my life and death

      You are there.


I find you shoreless,

My love, too, is matchless

      That I carry within myself.

My whole heart

      Like the sun at the peak of rising

Keeps on gazing like an eye

      Momentarily dead.

Unfathomable, endless, a vagabond vision

      Admits no barrier.

As if you were this generous sky,

As if I were this shoreless ocean,

In the midst of it rejoices the moonbeam of joy.


You are ever serene night and day,

Restless I am relentless,

      Agitated, irresistible :

As far as I perceive from horizon to horizon,

      You and I are one.


[Manasi, ‘Mind-born Muse’]


Parting Gift


I am Night, you are Flower. As long as you were a bud

Covering the dark sky, awake, hiding you on my breast

I kept watch on you with my legion of constellations.

As you blossomed with that beautiful juvenile face,

Dawn came, my term was over.

The nocturnal intimacy was rent by light.

You belong to the world now; bees humming all around

Resound in overtones of awe;

Birds sing, the wind blows; currents of felicity

Perplex the sprouting life.

I never possessed so much light and happiness

And song and life, I had offered

Mere sleep, mere peace, an affectionate quiet,

Merely a vigilant gaze, mere dialogue from mind to mind.


Did I offer nothing more ? When greedy dawn

Looked at you, in hundred voices hundreds of birds

Uttered your name, a drop of dew at that moment

Fell from mine eyes to yours. I disappeared.

That drop of melancholy, the parting gift

Will protect keeping moist your youthful face

From the glare of delight; flashing on that tear of Night

The smile of dawn will impart a peerless grace

Turning more beautiful your beauty in bloom.


[Manasi, ‘Mind-born Muse’ (3)]





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