Om Vajradharinim Vinavadinim Vedavasinim Maha-Sarasvatim Vande

                                       II Om  aim hrim shrim maha Saraswattai namah II    


Devi Saraswati is the only Goddess that is being worshipped in Bharat i.e. India from Vedic Times to the Present days, through Puranas, and Tantras. In ‘Chandi’ alone She is addressed as Mahasaraswati in the Dhyana Mantra, as the destroyer of Shumbha and other demons. – Shumbhadi-daitya-mardini. At all other places, She is worshipped as Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge.

Sri Aurobindo in his book “Mother” specially talks about Maha Sarasvati as one of the “Four great Aspects of the Mother; four of her leading Powers and Personalities (that) have stood in front in her guidance of this universe and in her dealings with the terrestrial play”. The four great Mothers, he calls, Maheswari, Mahakali, Mahalaxmi, and Maha Sarasvati; bestowing Wisdom, Strength, Harmony and Perfection. About Maha Sarasvati, he writes,

“ Maha Sarasvati is the Mother’s Power of works and Her Spirit of Perfection and Order. The youngest of the four , She is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature.  …….The Science and Craft and T echnique of things are MahaSarasvati’s province”. – By and large, She too is the Goddess of Knowledge, human as well as divine.

But our Maha Sarasvati is both the Goddess of Knowledge and Power. She is bestower of Knowledge of all Arts and Sciences, as well as the giver of Strength and Power, physical, vital, mental and spiritual. She is the destroyer of Darkness and Ignorance as well as the destroyer of Rakshashas and Asuras, Demons and Devils that dwell in us as well as in this world – in jiva as well as in jagat and help us in being divine – in becoming Ribhus and gods.

                      Om Vajradharinim Vinavadinim Vedavasinim Maha-Saraswatim Vande

                                       II Om  aing hring shring maha saraswattai namah II 


                                                                                                         Gautam Dharmapal.




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