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                                                             DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION


                                                                     DHARMA SANGHA

Dharma Sangha was established in Ahmedabad on 10th October 1945, at Pushpakunja Society, Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad, where eight Dharmapals under the leadership of Bandhu Dharmapal took their vows. Gautam and Sharad took their vows 3-4 days later after their arrival from Mumbai where they were held up due to flood in Narmada. Then on 16th October 1945 Bandhu Dharmapal left for Calcutta as the first missionary of Dharma Sangha, as Calcutta was considered the heart centre of the New Age.

( The function began just at 10-00 am even though none of the invitees had arrived, with meditation for 5 minutes with the mantra –

Om Aim Hrim Shrim Maha-Sarasvattai Namah

After meditation Gautam Dharmapal began reciting the Seven Mantras invoking the Goddess Mahasarasvati - 4 from Rig Veda, 2 Pauranik Mantras and 1 Mantra from Chandi – the Dhyanamantra of Mahasarasvati – the destroyer of Shumbha and Nishumbha. )

By this time our friend Subhash Chandra Basu arrived. Arundhati phoned that she is unable to come. Gautam then read from the dairy – (rather Life sketch of Gautam – Vishnu ) translated in Bangla by Gauri giving a short resume of the First Dharmasangha gathering, vows by the Dharmapals with their former family names as well as the new Dharmapal names and their later history. Then Gautam described how the form of Sarasvati as divine mother appeared in the early morning of 8th February 1954 – before the inner eye of Bandhu. It was a Sarasvati Puja – Vasanti Panchami day and a similar photo of Sarasvati was published in the Amrita Bazar Patrika of that very day. Then he told the whole story of the present picture of Ma Sarasvati that we have with us.

How the vision of Maha-Sarasvati appeared in the Dhyana Kalpana of Gautam on 21-04-2004 at Haridwar, Sri Aurobindo Yogamandir, was also narrated by him. Three artists have been assigned with the work of drawing the picture. We have to wait for the outcome!*

Gautam then read with some explanations the pamphlet “the Message of Dharma” by Bandhu Dharmapal.

At the end of the meeting some Shanti mantras which we generally recite at the end of our monthly veda-class were recited by Gauri Dharmapal.

  1. Om Bhadram Karnebhih Shrunuyama devah…..
  2. Om Shanno Mitrah, Sham Varunah…….
  3. Om Madhu Vata Ritayate………..etc. and
  4. Om pashyema Sharadah Shatam………..etc.

At the end of the meeting some refreshments were served by Rohini Dharmapal Banerjee and it was decided that from now on every year on 10th October such a function will be organized at ‘Ritam’, 9/2, Fern Road. Incidentally it may be mentioned that 10th October is the birth date of Bandhu Dharmapal.

Copies of the pamphlet “the Message of Dharma” with a 12 page – brief exposition of the same by Gautam  Dharmapal were distributed. Thanks to Apurva Dharmapal, son of Bandhu Dharmapal who had delivered to us a few copies of “ The Massage of Dharma” only a day before, though he could not come on 10th October due to previous engagement.

*The picture of Maha-Sarasvati we have got now, thanks to an young artist Utpal Gain in 2008.

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                        Om Vajradharinim Vinavadinim Vedavasinim Maha-Sarasvatim Vande

                                       II Om  aim hrim shrim maha Saraswattai namah II    


Devi Saraswati is the only Goddess that is being worshipped in Bharat i.e. India from Vedic Times to the Present days, through Puranas, and Tantras. In ‘Chandi’ alone She is addressed as Mahasaraswati in the Dhyana Mantra, as the destroyer of Shumbha and other demons. – Shumbhadi-daitya-mardini. At all other places, She is worshipped as Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge.

Sri Aurobindo in his book “Mother” specially talks about Maha Sarasvati as one of the “Four great Aspects of the Mother; four of her leading Powers and Personalities (that) have stood in front in her guidance of this universe and in her dealings with the terrestrial play”. The four great Mothers, he calls, Maheswari, Mahakali, Mahalaxmi, and Maha Sarasvati; bestowing Wisdom, Strength, Harmony and Perfection. About Maha Sarasvati, he writes,

“ Maha Sarasvati is the Mother’s Power of works and Her Spirit of Perfection and Order. The youngest of the four , She is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature.  …….The Science and Craft and T echnique of things are MahaSarasvati’s province”. – By and large, She too is the Goddess of Knowledge, human as well as divine.

But our Maha Sarasvati is both the Goddess of Knowledge and Power. She is bestower of Knowledge of all Arts and Sciences, as well as the giver of Strength and Power, physical, vital, mental and spiritual. She is the destroyer of Darkness and Ignorance as well as the destroyer of Rakshashas and Asuras, Demons and Devils that dwell in us as well as in this world – in jiva as well as in jagat and help us in being divine – in becoming Ribhus and gods.

                      Om Vajradharinim Vinavadinim Vedavasinim Maha-Saraswatim Vande

                                       II Om  aing hring shring maha saraswattai namah II 


                                                                                                         Gautam Dharmapal.




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                                                                 Sri Maha Sarasvati Trust


                                                                                                                                             7 a.m.

  1. A temple to Devi Mahasarasvati ( as visualiSed by Gautam Dharmapal on 21st April 2004 at Sri Aurobindo Yoga Mandir – Haridwar ).
  2. Sri Aurobindo – Anirvan Veda Vidyalaya. (Veda classes are already being held at 9/2, Fern Road.)
  3. “Ritam” Prakashani – Elevating books to be published under the banner of “Ritam”. Following three books have already been published under “Ritam”.
    1. Puro Natun Veder Kobita – Gouri Dharmapal 2003.
    2. “Shatadru” A collection of poems of Gouri Dharmapal – Sole Distributor – Saptarshi – 2009.
    3. “The Linguistic Atom and The Origin of Language” – Gouri Dharmapal – 21st April 2010.

        Books no 1 & 3 were inaugurated at Sri Aurobindo Bhawan – Kolkata 700071.

(a)  Veda O Sri Aurobindo (1st edition 1985 – Sri Aurobindo Pathmandir.)

(b)  Veda O Robindranath ( Published by Ushagram Trust in 2007.) and

(c)  Veda O Vivekananda ( Published in 2009 – by Somalata.)

All the above three books on Veda have been published by different organizations.



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Dear X,
Very glad to receive your “na janami”_ i don’t know _letter Dt. 20th June. You are completely right. It is extremely difficult to know, if there is any concrete God! Of course there is nothing concrete in this world_all are moving atoms, you can call them Linguistic Atoms or spiritual atoms _always moving and changing forms _forms are never permanent _they live for a few moments, or for many many years _but one day they break and dissolve in the sea or sky of Atoms! That is God! Call Him Shiva or Vishnu or their so-called avataras _incarnations Krishna, Buddha or Christ!
But I can give you a concrete god whom you can worship and find the God within you and in the world. That is the Sun whom you see everyday rising and setting before your own eyes! Without Him nothing on Earth can live or exist _ of course the atoms of which we and all this earth is made of will continue to live because they are in Him and He is in them!
From Vedic times people in India have been worshipping the Sun-god as Savita, Surya, Indra or Vishnu! But no worship is fruitful without Faith and understanding. S’raddhaya Upanishada S’raddha-Faith is the first and most important step in any Sadhana. It is said “adau s’raddha tatah prajna”. In the beginning there should be S’raddha, and it will end in Prajna _Knowledge.
About knowing and Not-knowing you should read the second chapter of Kenopanishad. Om! May we know and meditate upon that maker of Day _ Producer of Light! May that Surya-the Sun impel us!
Surya_the Sun is directly connected with each self through His rays. That ray lies hidden in our hearts. Meditate upon that inner ray the Self-Atma_hidden in the cave of the heart. This one Sadhana is enough. You don’t have to go anywhere in the world to find God _ He is there hidden in your heart. Meditate upon Him sitting in a quiet place and realize Him! See Bhagavad Gita Ch. 18/61-62.Only these two s’lokas are enough. But the sharanam _ taking of Refuge in Him must be total _ full of Faith, S’raddha _ and Surrender.
This is all I have to say against your, “I do not know”_ the rest are worldly formalities.
After all this world is His and therefore our Play and His maya _daivi maya or Vishnu Maya – Illusion or Mystery_ Take it as you like! Of course, you will take it as your nature forces you to take! After all svabhava-stu pravartate! One acts according to one’s nature!
Hope you are reading Gouri’s book slowly but carefully. I am personally much more interested in her book “Puro Natun Veder Kobita”. Have you got it?
Yes both of us are happy that the book could be published! Thank God!
Have you got Anirvan’s Bangla Kenopanishad with you? Just now I am seeing the proofs of my English translation of Swamiji’s Bangla Keno-Upanishad.
For prayer and meditation there is the most famous Gayatri Mantra of Visvamitra which brahmanas in India repeat everyday like parrots! You know it perhaps, so I need not write.
Recently Sri Aurobindo has given us another Gayatri Mantra.
Om! Tat savitur varam rupam,
Jyotih parasya dhimahi
Yan-nah satyena dipayet._
Om! We meditate upon that wonderful form
Of Savita, That is the Light of the Supreme.
May He enlighten us with Truth.
I have received two Gayatri Mantras at Jagannath Puri in January 1988.
1, Om! Jagannathaya Vidmahe,
Vis’varupaya dhimahi
Tan-nah Vishnuh pracodayat!
May we know and meditate upon Jagannath_ the Lord of The Universe who has taken up the universal form! May that Vishnu impel us!
2, Om! Divakaraya Vidmahe
Atma-rupaya dhimahi
Tan-nah Surya pracodayat!
Om! May we know and Meditate upon Divakara_ the Sun, who has taken the form of Self! May that Surya_the Sun impel us!
Both of us are carrying on with our brittle health. After all, I am 86 and Gouri is almost 80!
One friend has promised to pay the expenses for the publication of all the Upanishads of Sri Anirvan published by the Burdwan University_ translated by me in English from 2004 to 2010! I hope, I will be able to see them published!
Gouri-ma has many things in her basket! Let us see how many fruits come out of it! She is continuing with her monthly Pathshala on Veda-mantras!
With all love and best wishes from both of us_
Vande Mataram.
From Smt Gouri Dharmapal

Snher X ke
1) Ohe sundar, mama grihey aaji paromotsab-rati
Rekhechi kanakmondirey kamalasan pati.

2) Sahasa ekoda apona hoitey
Bhori dibey tumi tomar amritey
Aai bharosai kori padotaley
Sunyoo hridai daan

Dukali Robigaan

From: X
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010,

My dearest Gautamji!
Let's see if you will receive this email from Y! that's where i happen to be these days.
I came 2 weeks ago and leave for Z again in 3 weeks.
My father and sister wanted to see me. So, i came...
Life has become ... or rather my mind has hard time to find something to give her 'energy' from what's happening around her...
I realize that one needs a 'dream' to keep him/her going in this life...
Somehow 'i' 'decided' to see/experience how life is without a 'dream'... i.e. without 'dreaming'... ( a prerequisite for 'waking up' perhaps... )
we shall see how the experiment will go and where it will take me...
Let's see if you'll receive these words...
May you live in peace!
May all beings live in harmony!
May we all live in peace and in harmony!

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Gautam Dharmapal wrote:

Dear X,
Received your e-mail at my e-mail address. Did you received my long letter in reply to your 'i don't know' letter sent through Rajesh's e-mail address? Can we publish it at anirvan akash sight?
You are right. One should rather must have some higher aspiration other than the worldly ones to survive the attacks of this world. It may be for god or any ideal like social survice or an aspiration to go beyond all sorrow. God or no god does not matter yourself, atma, is there beyond or behind your ego. Find out if one can rise above ego, all the problems will be solved.
Hope this finds you well.With love and all the best wishes,

From: X
To: "Gautam Dharmapal"
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 10:57

Hello dear Gautamji and 'welcome' to the world of the 'world wide web'!!! (very useful at times and also 'danger' at others...)
No, i have not received anything else from you through email. You mean 'Rajesh Sanghai' ?? I Cc him... ( Mrinalini-di sent me his email address... )
I would be interested to read your 'long letter in reply to your[my]'i don't know' letter' ... although... 'words' do not 'touch' me anymore...
only the 'touch' of the 'ultimate' could perhaps 'wake me up'... if 'It' (i.e. the 'Ultimate' ) 'exists' and can 'touch'...
" who may know...
perhaps the gods in the highest heavens may know... or perhaps even they may know not... "
May you be well...
give my pranams to Gauri-ma...
May you live in peace!
May all beings live in harmony!
May we all live in peace and in harmony!

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Gautam Dharmapal wrote:

Dear X,
your e-mail of yesterday 3/08/2010 received. sending the copy of my long letter written in reply to your " i don't know letter" in the attachment file.
you should pray for the grace of the lord who might descend on you or touch you. meditation or prayer are the only means to find him but it is he who will decide when and how to descend.
with all the best wishes

From: X
To: "Gautam Dharmapal"
Date: Friday, August 6, 2010

Thanking both of you for your words of 'encouragement' and advices...
It is true that my mind is not 'quiet' these days... but it is certainly part of my 'onward path' so i welcome that too...
Without any 'thoughts', without any ideas, without any 'beliefs', without any 'faith', without any 'theories'.... empty... empty... completely 'empty'... i may go completely 'empty' one day... and then ... if anything appears at that state it may be 'something worth while' to observe and go along with it...
Having anything else to start with is 'dangerous'...
'Theories' when supported and 'fired' by 'shraddha' become the concrete stuff of one's imagination ... what i call 'dreams'... and i don't want to live in dreams anymore...
No matter what ... Life is 'interesting' and amusing sometimes... at others it may be painful and sad... aren't they both part of the same 'thing' we call 'Life'??? so be it...
Anything a man-wo 'does' (most likely 'imagining' that he/she does it!) takes him/her away from the reality of the 'emptiness'...
So be it... each one of us 'acts' and 'dreams' according to our 'nature'... that's why we are all 'puppets' in the 'puppet-show' we call 'Life'... So be it... till we 'wake up'...

May you live in peace!
May all beings live in harmony!
May we all live in peace and in harmony!

X wrote on August 17, 2010
Hello Mrinalini
If that's the wish of Gautamji then it is ok...

Two comments for your information:
1st : In general, i do not see 'problems' around me (and inside me). It is all part of the movement of the River-of-Life... waves... up and down... these are not 'problems'... 'problems' see the limited human mind....

2nd : I am not a 'follower' of Sri Anirvanji and i do not think i ever was. Once upon a time his written words had captured my attention and 'imagination'. Now, for years, i've tried to walk away from 'imaginary' things... How 'good' or 'bad' (both relative words) was for my 'growth' spending so much energy on 'imaginations' perhaps i will never know... So be it... Life is still a mystery...
May the 'gods' be 'real'...

May you live in peace!
May all beings live in harmony!
May we all live in peace and in harmony!

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